Jednom u tvom poslovnom životu ili u životu tvrtke za koju radiš dođe trenutak kada ćeš se morati seliti u inozemstvo.
Smatram da je najvažnije biti empatičan prema klijentu, biti prilagodljiv prema raznim uvjetima selidbe, imati temeljito znanje o međunarodnom prijevozu, komunicirati na transparentan način biti odgovoran i znati rješavati neočekivane izazove i poteškoće biti fokusiran i na najmanji detalj u zahtjevu klijenta biti spreman na kontinuirano učenje i poboljšanje usluge
Our Customers
Individuals moving within their country or abroad
Are you an individual looking to move to Croatia or someone who would like to change countries?
Companies sending their employees to work abroad
Do you plan to send your employees abroad? We can help your company develop a corporate relocation plan that fits your organization’s needs.
Fine Art Galleries / Fashion designers
Art pieces are things of fragile nature. Aside from their worth, they also have sentimental value for both author and buyer.
Media and entertainment companies/Performing artists
Do you need transportation of your broadcasting equipment and the right people to handle it?
Interior Designers and Architects/ Yacht owners and Marina operators
We’re the right fit for sensitive and discreet moving services, special deliveries and complex installations.

Need to change countries in pursuit of work?
Let's talk!
U vremenu silnih promjena Dalmatica Mobility Group će biti onaj oslonac koji će ti trebati kada ćeš tražiti pouzdanog pružatelja usluga za selidbe, preseljenja, logistiku i savjetovnika kod promjene mjesta stanovanja.