Jednom u tvom poslovnom životu ili u životu tvrtke za koju radiš dođe trenutak kada ćeš se morati seliti u inozemstvo.
Smatram da je najvažnije biti empatičan prema klijentu, biti prilagodljiv prema raznim uvjetima selidbe, imati temeljito znanje o međunarodnom prijevozu, komunicirati na transparentan način biti odgovoran i znati rješavati neočekivane izazove i poteškoće biti fokusiran i na najmanji detalj u zahtjevu klijenta biti spreman na kontinuirano učenje i poboljšanje usluge
Jednom u tvom poslovnom životu ili u životu tvrtke za koju radiš dođe trenutak kada ćeš se morati seliti u inozemstvo. Takav ogroman korak stavlja mnogo izazova pred tebe. Promjene su nezaobilazne - kako se svijet oko tebe brzo mijenja, tako se i ti brzo moraš priviknuti na njega.
Household goods
- Door to door international moving services
- Vehicle shipping
- Pet relocation
- Insurance coverage
Special projects
- Consultancy
- Worldwide shipping by road, sea and air
- Packing and complex installation services
- Custom crating for both normal and oversized items
- Global storage solutions

Household goods
- Door to door international moving services
- Vehicle shipping
- Pet relocation
- Insurance coverage
Special projects
- Consultancy
- Worldwide shipping by road, sea and air
- Packing and complex installation services
- Custom crating for both normal and oversized items
- Global storage solutions

For special projects we offer high-end live storage with detailed pictures, so that you’ll know at every moment, where, what and how we store your item.
- Short & long-term storage of household goods
- High-value storage for fine art
- Contract storage
- Digital live inventory – EDI support
- Shipping & Receiving
By Sea
- FCL (Full Container Load) & LCL (Less than Container Load)
- RO-RO solutions for vehicle shipping
- Multimodal solutionn
On land
- FTL (Full truck load door to door)
- LTL (Less than truck load)
- Groupage solutions
By air
- Air consolidation
- Time critical solutions
- Air charter

By Sea
- FCL (Full Container Load) & LCL (Less than Container Load)
- RO-RO solutions for vehicle shipping
- Multimodal solutionn
On land
- FTL (Full truck load door to door)
- LTL (Less than truck load)
- Groupage solutions
By air
- Air consolidation
- Time critical solutions
- Air charter

Dalmatica Mobility Group aims to be your best choice when relocating to Croatia.
Adding relocation services to our broad range of shipping services makes us the “one stop shop” for all your mobility needs.
We’ve teamed up with the best professionals on the market and are proud to have them assist us in delivering a service of undiminished quality.
Need to change countries in pursuit of work?
Let's talk!
U vremenu silnih promjena Dalmatica Mobility Group će biti onaj oslonac koji će ti trebati kada ćeš tražiti pouzdanog pružatelja usluga za selidbe, preseljenja, logistiku i savjetovnika kod promjene mjesta stanovanja.